Cloud with cables connected to it, representing the private cloud.

Simplify Private Cloud Infrastructure With Equus

Cloud or cloud-like infrastructure is no longer optional for businesses. Companies need ways to distribute and provide access to core applications and data quickly. And without cloud infrastructure, this sharing process is cumbersome and finicky.

Private cloud infrastructure has boomed as a way for companies to maintain strict security requirements for their industry or data while still leveraging cloud capabilities. However, because private cloud infrastructure requires strategic hardware upgrades, many businesses are turning to the expertise of an experienced hardware provider or hosted service for their private cloud.

This article will consider the core hardware requirements for deploying a private cloud and how Equus helps its partners deploy and maintain their infrastructure.

Private Clouds Need Clustered and Scalable Infrastructure

There isn’t a one-size fits all solution for every private cloud. Imagine that your organization wants to make AI capabilities available to multiple departments. Running these workloads in the cloud requires processing power specific to the job and low-latency storage speeds. Differing workloads mean that organizations must tailor their hardware to fit their needs. Consider five areas where this is true:

  • Compute. Following the AI example above, organizations that are selecting processors for AI and ML workloads would likely choose GPU-based processors or something even more specialized like TPUs. These processors are capable of performing multiple, simultaneous calculations, making them more apt for AI workloads. Equus partners with companies like Intel, Nvidia, and AMD to offer chips for your workloads, whether that be AI, data management, custom applications, or something else.
  • Storage. Faster isn’t always better when it comes to storage. Some organizations require high-density solutions that allow them to house static data for years, like healthcare and finance. In contrast, media and big data organizations need high-speed transfer rates. Equus helps clients choose and combine storage solutions, like fast NVMe SSDs and high-density HDDs, to ensure the availability of applications and data at scale.
  • Network. If compute and storage are the vehicle that powers your organization’s data, your networking capabilities are the road that gets it to where it needs to go. Equus partners with Juniper Networks to provide networking hardware that’s secure, reliable, and AI-powered. Our solutions help simplify networking across your organization and into the cloud.
  • Hyper-converged or composable infrastructure. Pooling hardware resources is one of the core tenets of cloud computing. HCI and composable infrastructure provides the foundation to connect on-premise equipment, allowing businesses to use standard x86 hardware and create large pools of shareable resources. Our team understands the hardware requirements and challenges of unifying compute resources into a virtual pool and can help you navigate deployment.
  • Server management software. Server management software allows you to visualize all your hardware in one place and improve performance across your network. We partner with companies like to leverage GPUDirect storage and VMWare for powerful virtualization tools. We have many more software partners enabling us to empower clients with private cloud infrastructure tools that fit their needs.

Partner With a Cloud Infrastructure Expert

The need for cloud infrastructure will only increase as businesses leverage more digital tools in their day-to-day operations. Finding a partner who can help you simplify hardware deployment is a game changer. Equus Compute Solutions has helped clients design, deploy, and maintain their business’s core infrastructure for over 30 years. We’d be happy to help you explore the private cloud infrastructure available to you. Chat with one of our experts today.